The historic neighborhood north of Werthan Mills in Germantown is referred to as Salemtown. The challenge was to design and build a duplex on a 50' wide lot that didn't feel like a traditional duplex. We've become known for doing this in the 12 South neighborhood, so it was a logical decision to apply this to Salemtown as well. The difficulty was in making them look different enough yet blend, as if almost reading like one house. We weren't under any Historic guidelines at the time but felt it was important to speak to the historic nature of the area while providing something a bit more modern. Additionally we felt that it was important to provide very private outdoor spaces both at the front and rear of each unit, so our solution was to stagger the residences, providing a deep inset front porch on one side and a deep rear porch on the other. The interiors were, of course, also very different. What a success! We had multiple offers at the time of sale...